GPG45-ready identity verification solution
The publication of the DIATF Beta Trust Framework and GPG45 has raised the bar for the level of assurance required to verify someone’s identity.
This is particularly important for businesses that need to ‘know your customer’ (KYC) or to support Right to Rent, Right to Work and DBS checks.
Existing methods of identity verification are open to manipulation by fraudsters, which is why incorporating digital identity checks into your customer onboarding process is essential.
SynID, developed by Synectics as an Attribute Service Provider (ASP), is a digital identity verification solution designed around the DIATF Beta Trust Framework and GPG45. It features enhanced strength, validity, identity fraud and activity history attributes to ensure your customers are who they say they are.

How SynID helps

Reduce fraud exposure
Improve customer onboarding
Promote financial inclusion
Reduce costs
Built for GPG45
Achieve better success rates of preventing fraud.
Better customer experience by removing unnecessary friction.
Better quality data reduces drop-out rates during the application process.
Cost effective way of gaining authoritative customer insight and reducing fraud.
An out of the box solution to support digital identity verification.
How SynID works
SynID sources authoritative digital evidence from both the public and private sectors, including reference data and feedback from national fraud databases.
To provide certainty and efficiency in the customer verification process, SynID scores each customer based on three core attributes - all in a matter of seconds.
1 - Identity Fraud Attributes
Firstly, SynID will confirm if the applicant is associated with any of the following fraud risk alerts.

Confirmed or Suspected Stolen Identities
Confirmed or Suspected Victims of Impersonation
Confirmed or Suspected Synthetic Identities
2 - Strength & Validity Attributes
Next, SynID assesses the strength and validity of digital evidence sourced from both the public and private sectors.

High Assurance Data
Insurance Claims
Financial Products
Category 3 Public Sector Data
Student Loans
Medium Assurance Data
Insurance Policies
Payroll Data
Category 2 Public Sector Data
Low Assurance Data
National Clear Data - None FS
Electoral Register
Category 1 Public Sector Data
3 - Activity History Attributes
Finally, SynID gathers unique evidence of regular, recent and quality interactions with multiple organisations across the UK digital ecosystem.

Financial Services
New Products
Public Sector
Local Authorities
Central Government