Let us prove it with a free proof of concept...
We’re so confident in our solution.
We believe in the power of our unique dataset National SIRA. When we apply our analytical expertise and proprietary technology to this syndicated data we can identify meaningful insights and address complex challenges in a different way. A way only Synectics can.
We can run a retrospective data matching exercise to help identify the levels of fraud we would have identified if you’d used our services. We won’t assume to put a value on this. We will give you the output files and let you run your own analysis. Only you know the full cost of acquiring, onboarding, managing and recovering any debts associated with a fraudulent customer within your business.
The results can be compelling
Over 50%
Retail Finance
Over 50% fewer cases needed to be worked to identify same levels of fraud.
Over 40%
Commercial Lender
Over 40% referral rate resulting in a potential fraud saving of over £1M pa.
Enter your details to request a review:
What’s involved...
A comprehensive proof of concept can take between 6 and 8 weeks and will involve input from your teams and ours. We will undertake an initial scoping exercise (virtually) to understand how we can help, and then our teams will liaise with yours to run the exercise. Depending on the scale and nature of the work we may agree a charge with you for the service. Please don’t be put off by this, we just want to be clear up front with you. This isn’t a one-hour demo of a whizzy front end, it’s a considered piece of business analysis that will help you identify and prevent financial crime within your organisation.