Webinar: Understanding the impact of predictive analytics in fraud prevention

In this webinar, we explore some of the key learnings we've made in implementing predictive analysis techniques into live business systems for many of the UK’s leading banks and insurers.

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The introduction of predictive analysis techniques to help improve the way that financial services companies can improve their ability to identify risks, such as fraud - or improve the speed at which they can safely on-board new customers - has transformed those businesses who have been able to embrace this technology.

On this webinar, Synectics Solutions explores some of the key learnings they have made over the last 2 years while successfully implementing predictive analysis techniques into live business systems for many of the UK’s leading banks and insurers.

Some of the issues discussed provide useful insight into;

  • the pitfalls of project managing this complex technology into large organisations BAU systems
  • the business impact of such an implementation
  • some of the wider potential for predictive analysis across the organisations using it.

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